Start Before You’re Ready? Launch In Your Own Time

Welcome to the brand new RKA ink!

This project gave new meaning to the phrase “labor of love.” We’re three months behind our initial launch date and hundreds of hours deep into this new look and feel. But we’re here. It’s done. And we love it.

Great design is like an iceberg; you only see about 10% of the work, strategy, and planning that goes into it.

What looks like a new website to the world is actually the result of us remaking our entire backend infrastructure, streamlining our systems, and changing the way we do just about everything. This website is the just icing on the cake.

We’re nearing launch season, which means you probably feel me. The heat is on to launch new products and services, makeover your website and sales pages, and prepare to take Q4 by storm.

The trendy approach to a big launch is to start before you’re ready. Just do it! Just launch! What are you waiting for?!

I’m going to show you just how uncool I am and bite back against this popular wisdom.

Let’s be real: it’s never been more competitive to launch, run, and grow an online business. Over 150,000+ new websites launch every day. Making your mark online is not about being the fastest site slinger in the WWW. It’s about improving your clients’ lives. Crafting solutions that work – and work well. Doing your thing better than anyone – even you – has done it before.

And sometimes that takes time.

What am I saying? That almost always takes time.

This is not about giving into your inner Hilda and succumbing to the voices that say, “You’re not good enough. You can’t do this. Why even bother?!” (For more on that, check out Hilda the Book, coming out on September 1.)

This is about giving yourself permission to dedicate the time and TLC your project deserves, flexible launch dates and all.

I wanted to launch this site in June. It’s September. We’re okay.

I could beat myself up about going faster, being better, why didn’t I –

*record scratch*

Nope. Been there, done that.

Instead, I’m embracing the extra TLC this project needed and celebrating that launch day is finally here! Right on time. Trusting that, if I keep my eye on that main goal – improving my clients’ lives and getting better at what I do every day – anytime I launch is the right time.

Whenever you launch, it’s launch season!

Cheers to your next big thing!

Rachael Kay Albers

Rachael Kay Albers is a creative director, business comedian, and brand strategist gone wild. She writes and performs about branding, pop culture, tech, and identity. When she’s not muckraking about marketing, Rachael runs RKA ink, a reinvention studio and branding agency for businesses that burn the rulebook. She's also on Instagram a lot.