Why Business Visibility Matters (And How To Get Started)

What comes up for you when I say “visibility in business”?

Do you shrink with fear or squirm with awkwardness? Do you feel giddy and READY FOR YOUR DAMN CLOSEUP, already? Does your eyebrow go up with the natural skepticism of a business baller who hates buzzwords?

In Episode 25 of Awkward Marketing, I’m breaking down visibility:

  • What it is
  • Why you need it
  • How to increase visibility without looking like a stalkeriffic creep or a desperate clinger

That’s what Awkward Marketing is for. To help you look and feel less like a creepy clinger. (New tagline?) Do your best Olivia Newton-John and “Let’s get visible, vi-si-ble. I wanna get visibleeeeee.”

Rachael Kay Albers

Rachael Kay Albers is a creative director, business comedian, and brand strategist gone wild. She writes and performs about branding, pop culture, tech, and identity. When she’s not muckraking about marketing, Rachael runs RKA ink, a reinvention studio and branding agency for businesses that burn the rulebook. She's also on Instagram a lot.